Health Conditions That Can Ruin a Man’s Sexual Stamina
Science has proven that sex offers immense benefits to your health. Besides improving your immunity, regular sex has been shown to reduce the risk of getting health conditions such as depression, heart attack, and stroke. However, there comes a time when a man is unable to perform or enjoy this pleasurable act to the fullest. In such a case, the best thing to do is find a solution to the cause of this declining status, which could involve using the best male enhancement pills.
Ideally, your overall well-being has a role to play as far as sexual health is concerned. That said, here are some top conditions that have shown to wreak havoc on a man’s sexual life.
While the hazards of obesity are always discussed to great lengths, its effect on sexual health is often left out. For instance, obesity is a leading cause of declining sexual health in men. Ideally, excess body fat can be linked to cases of erectile dysfunction(ED), low sperm count, and reduced sperm motility. While supplements might help, the best remedy is to find a way of losing weight and building muscle.
Diabetes has been shown to damage the nerves and blood vessels. Ideally, inhibiting feelings and interfering with the quality of blood flow means that the affected individual will have difficulties maintaining an erection. Statistics have it that most men with diabetes struggle with ED. The good thing about diabetes is that it is reversible. Lifestyle changes are vital as far as controlling diabetes, and getting back improving your sex life is concerned.
Mental Health Issues
While intimate sex goes a long way in keeping mental illness such as depression and anxiety at bay, the converse holds. Studies show that problems such as depression and anxiety have detrimental effects on your sexual health. If you do not have any underlying medical condition, and you happen to experience a marked reduction in your performance, you might be struggling with some stress-related disorder.
Cardiovascular Disease
Patients with cardiovascular illness are often prone to sexual inactivity. This is not to say that cardio illnesses such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, and heart failure are directly related because they have to endure a great deal of stress because of their condition. Psychological distress will undoubtedly take a toll on your sexual health.